Sunday, 12 December 2021


Rush take over us when we start thinking about how to prepare for upcoming travel. The most crucial part is being aware of original documents we need to carry along for entire our journey. Well recently Meraki Itineraries took research trip to North Eastern states of India and found out exciting tips on how to travel paperless.

* The most obvious question you must be having how to go paperless for ticket? No to worry, now with smart phones this has become easy. Make sure you have your email synched on your phone. This way you can access your ticket and boarding pass at anytime from any location even when you don’t have stable internet connectivity.

* Now second most important, your original identity cards and yes this only applies for within India travel for Indian nationals. Install an app called DigiLocker for your Android or iPhone. This app helps you upload your document like tickets, itineraries, booking vouchers etc in addition to fetching your government issued documents such as Driving license, Aadhar, PAN Card and so on.

* Saving photo of entire set of papers you need to carry is very handy. You can quickly access your photo gallery and retrieve images instantly.

* Having a scan copy in your mobile device is also extremely beneficial. This way you reduce chances of loosing your original papers.   

* Now days Online entertainment and reading apps also made travel fun.

There are more benefits of travelling paperless, it saves space and few grams of your hand bag. Mostly, travellers tends to get confused and feel overloaded with series of compliances at airport or train stations but with this digi approach you can say good bye to rambling through your purses and bag packs.

So these were some great ideas for your next domestic travel. We at Meraki Itineraries always believe, not just destination but journeys are beautiful too!

Travel conscious and travel safe. शुभास्ते पंथानः संतु!